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To submit jobs using the Python API, you first need to create a Client that connects to a running HyperQueue cluster. You have two options of deploying the cluster. Once you have an instance of a Client, you can use it to submit a job.

Using external deployment#

If you want to run the HyperQueue infrastructure on a distributed cluster or you want to use automatic allocation, then deploy HyperQueue in any of the supported ways and then pass the server directory to the Client:

from hyperqueue import Client

client = Client("/home/user/.hq-server/hq-current")

If you have used the default server directory and the server is deployed on a file-system shared by the node that executes the Python code, you can simply create an instance of a Client without passing any parameters.

Using a local cluster#

You can use the LocalCluster class to spawn a HyperQueue server and a set of workers directly on your local machine. This functionality is primarily intended for local prototyping and debugging, but it can also be used for actual computations for simple use-cases that do not require a distributed deployment of HyperQueue.

When you create the cluster, it will initially only start the HyperQueue server. To connect workers to it, use the start_worker method.

from hyperqueue import LocalCluster
from hyperqueue.cluster import WorkerConfig

with LocalCluster() as cluster:
    # Add a worker with 4 cores to the cluster

    # Create a client connected to the cluster
    client = cluster.client()


You can use LocalCluster instances as context managers to make sure that the cluster is properly cleaned up at the end of the with block.

Last update: August 10, 2022
Created: August 10, 2022
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