Output mode
By default, HyperQueue CLI commands output information in a human-readable way, usually in the form of a table. If you want to use the CLI commands programmatically, HyperQueue offers two additional output modes that are designed to be machine-readable.
You can change the output type of any HyperQueue CLI command either by using the --output-mode
flag or by setting the HQ_OUTPUT_MODE
environment variable.
$ hq --output-mode=json job list
$ HQ_OUTPUT_MODE=json hq job list
Currently, there are three output modes available. The default, human-readable cli
mode, and then two machine-readable modes, JSON and Quiet.
Each machine-readable mode supports a set of commands. You can also use commands that are not listed here, but their output might be unstable, or they might not output anything for a given output mode.
The json
output mode is intended to provide very detailed information in the form of a JSON value. With this mode, HyperQueue will always output exactly one JSON value, either an array or an object.
Error handling#
When an error occurs during the execution of a command, the program will exit with exit code 1
and the program will output a JSON object with a single error
key containing a human-readable description of the error.
Date formatting#
Time-based items are formatted in the following way:
- Duration - formatted as a floating point number of seconds.
- Datetime (timestamp) - formatted as a
date in UTC
Supported commands#
Server info:
hq server info
{ "host": "my-machine", "hq_port": 42189, "pid": 32586, "server_dir": "/foo/bar/.hq-server", "start_date": "2021-12-20T08:45:41.775753188Z", "version": "0.7.0", "worker_port": 38627 }
Worker list:
hq worker list
[{ "configuration": { "heartbeat_interval": 8.0, "hostname": "my-machine", "idle_timeout": null, "listen_address": "my-machine:45611", "log_dir": "...", "resources": { "cpus": [[0, 1, 2, 3]], "generic": [{ "kind": "sum", "name": "resource1", "params": { "size": 1000 } }] }, "time_limit": null, "work_dir": "..." }, "ended": null, "id": 1 }]
Worker info:
hq worker info <worker-id>
{ "configuration": { "heartbeat_interval": 8.0, "hostname": "my-machine", "idle_timeout": null, "listen_address": "my-machine:45611", "log_dir": "...", "resources": { "cpus": [[0, 1, 2, 3]], "generic": [{ "kind": "sum", "name": "resource1", "params": { "size": 1000 } }] }, "time_limit": null, "work_dir": "..." }, "ended": null, "id": 1 }
Submit a job:
hq submit <command>
{ "id": 1 }
Job list:
hq job list
[{ "id": 1, "name": "ls", "resources": { "cpus": { "cpus": 1, "type": "compact" }, "generic": [], "min_time": 0.0 }, "task_count": 1, "task_stats": { "canceled": 0, "failed": 0, "finished": 1, "running": 0, "waiting": 0 } }]
Job info:
hq job info <job-id> --tasks
{ "finished_at": "2021-12-20T08:56:16.438062340Z", "info": { "id": 1, "name": "ls", "resources": { "cpus": { "cpus": 1, "type": "compact" }, "generic": [], "min_time": 0.0 }, "task_count": 1, "task_stats": { "canceled": 0, "failed": 0, "finished": 1, "running": 0, "waiting": 0 } }, "max_fails": null, "pin": false, "priority": 0, "program": { "args": [ "ls" ], "cwd": "%{SUBMIT_DIR}", "env": { "FOO": "BAR" }, "stderr": { "File": "job-%{JOB_ID}/%{TASK_ID}.stderr" }, "stdout": { "File": "job-%{JOB_ID}/%{TASK_ID}.stdout" } }, "started_at": "2021-12-20T08:45:53.458919345Z", "tasks": [{ "finished_at": "2021-12-20T08:56:16.438062340Z", "id": 0, "started_at": "2021-12-20T08:56:16.437123396Z", "state": "finished", "worker": 1, "cwd": "/tmp/foo", "stderr": { "File": "job-1/0.stderr" }, "stdout": { "File": "job-1/0.stdout" } }], "time_limit": null, "submit_dir": "/foo/bar/submit" }
Automatic allocation queue list:
hq alloc list
[{ "additional_args": [], "backlog": 4, "id": 1, "manager": "PBS", "max_worker_count": null, "name": null, "timelimit": 1800.0, "worker_cpu_args": null, "worker_resource_args": [], "workers_per_alloc": 1 }]
Automatic allocation queue info:
hq alloc info <allocation-queue-id>
[{ "id": "pbs-1", "worker_count": 4, "queue_at": "2021-12-20T08:56:16.437123396Z", "started_at": "2021-12-20T08:58:25.538001256Z", "ended_at": null, "status": "running", "workdir": "/foo/bar" }]
Automatic allocation queue events:
hq alloc events <allocation-queue-id>
[{ "date": "2021-12-20T08:56:16.437123396Z", "event": "allocation-finished", "params": { "id": "pbs-1" } }, { "date": "2021-12-20T08:58:16.437123396Z", "event": "status-fail", "params": { "error": "qstat failed" } }]
The quiet
output mode will cause HyperQueue to output only the most important information that should be parseable without any complex parsing logic, e.g. using only Bash scripts.
Error handling#
When an error occurs during the execution of a command, the program will exit with exit code 1
and the error will be printed to the standard error output.
Supported commands#
Submit a job:
hq submit <command>
Outputs a single line containing the ID of the created job.
$ hq --output-mode=quiet submit ls 1
Created: December 20, 2021